How Do I Believe?

If you’ve read the last posts on Why We Should Believe (Part 1 and Part 2), you may be convinced that belief is powerful.  Yet you may be skeptical… I want to believe but I’ve been burned in the past.  But belief is powerful… even life-changing.  I would hate for you to miss out on that power!

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So, let’s say you want to try to believe in something again.  The next logical question is, “How do I believe?” Continue reading How Do I Believe?

Why Should I Believe? (Part 2)

Related imageIn our last post, we asked, “What has believing done for you… and NOT done for you?”  In this post, we’ll look at the reality of what believing does, and does not do.

This is especially important for warriors like the folks we see at The Xena Project.  Without a solid belief system, you can go to some pretty dark places and withdraw from the world.  And that would be our loss.  Why?  Because the world needs what warriors have: selfless service, willingness to sacrifice for the good of others, and boatloads of courage in action.

So, what does belief do… and not do? Continue reading Why Should I Believe? (Part 2)

Why Should I Believe? (Part 1)

Related imageDoes believing in something or someone make a difference?  According to Jocko Willink in his book, Extreme Ownership, believing can make ALL the difference!

So it’s worth a few minutes of our time to figure out why belief is important, and how we’ll believe (because without the how we just have a nice theory with platitudes, but nothing concrete to act on).

So… why believe… in what… and how? Continue reading Why Should I Believe? (Part 1)